Today I thought I’d share some of the best things I saw on others’ blogs this week. All of the linked posts and/or videos are SFWOK (safe for work and kids), but I can’t guarantee the same for everything else on the linked sites, so while clicking through is safe, going beyond that first click is done at your own discretion.
That said…on with the show.
The prize for Best Video of a Car-B-Q during an oil change goes to BoingBoing.
Most Inspirational : Sophie Perinot’s beautiful post, Gifts My Sister Gave Me
Most Useful Writing Post – Susie Brooks: A Good Critique Group is Like a Great Pair of Shoes
Laugh-Out-Loud Funny: Continuity Errors (short video by Sean Ferrell, but posted and brought to my attention via literary agent Janet Reid)
That’s all for this week – enjoy your weekend and I’ll see you back Monday morning!