*a Guest Post by Marci Jefferson
I’m thankful for many things in life, but lately I’m especially feeling like one blessed author. Many writerly friends have contributed to this feeling. Like a critique partner who once told me my character lacked motivation. Like another critique partner who butchered about half the “darling” words from a very early draft of my first few chapters. And like local authors who regularly volunteer to teach writing in my community.
Then there is the author who insisted I go with her to a writer’s conference and crash in her room. There is the agent I met at that conference who ended up signing me after reading my novel. And the editors who looked at pages and offered valuable feedback.
I can’t forget the published authors who generously agreed to blurb my novel before it went on submission. One in particular kindly lets me blog on her blog until I have a blog of my own. And other critique partners who never forget the maxim “success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration,” and relentlessly cheer me on.
Finally there is one special editor, and a big publishing house behind her, that made my very best dreams come true. Of course I’m glad to have my health, my family, and everything I need. But each of these people have helped me reach a goal; the publication I’ve wanted for years. I am deeply grateful for each of you.