Wednesday Writing: Called on Account of Bugs

I had a fantastic Wednesday Writing Challenge lined up for this week, including a surprise guest-blogger to respond to the challenge, but Sunday night I discovered I’d brought an unintended souvenir home from my recent trip to Southern California.

A bug.

More specifically, a flu bug.

And not just any flu.  I’ve spent the last 48 hours alternating between unconscious and heavily medicated (so, basically unconscious), and although I’m peeking out into cyberspace again, I’m far from well enough to give this challenge the attention it deserves.

That said: tune in next week to see the new challenge and my surprise guest (who has graciously agreed to appear next Wednesday instead).

In the interim: hop into the comments and let me know what you’re writing today.  Short story? Novel-length fiction? Haiku or limerick?  I’d love to hear!

3 thoughts on “Wednesday Writing: Called on Account of Bugs

  • October 27, 2010 at 12:03 pm

    Ugh. Hope you feel better soon! Flu bugs stink.

    • October 28, 2010 at 10:51 am

      Thanks Tammy. This one’s particularly nasty, but I’m hoping I can get past it soon.

  • October 29, 2010 at 7:13 pm

    Bless your heart! Hope you get better soon. All the best.

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