The Year of Overlooked Resolutions

New Year’s Day offers us all a new beginning.

Each person approaches the new year with a different set of hopes and dreams. For some, this year is “the year that I will finally finish my manuscript.” For some, 2014 is The Year of the Agent. Others will become publishers–for their own works or for the works of others. Still others will vow to read more books than they did in 2013.

It’s easy to focus on our goals, to the exclusion of some other, less obvious things.

While I’m here, and have a moment, I’m taking a look at some of the other things I plan to work on during 2014. 

– I resolve to worry less about the things I cannot change.

– I resolve to listen more closely when the ones I love are speaking, even if the topic isn’t one I care about that much.

– When I start feeling alone, or sad, or as if no one understands, I resolve to remember that people love me not because of what I’ve done, but because of who I am inside.

– I resolve to remember that I am worthy of that love.

– I resolve to remember that every person on this planet (even and including the ones who cut me off on the freeway) is equally unique and special. I may not know them well enough to appreciate it, but I can remember that it’s true.

– I resolve to smile more often at strangers.

– When the world gnaws at my dreams, I resolve to wrest them back, wipe off the drool, and nurture them back to health. With extra ice cream and cupcakes if necessary.

Most importantly, I resolve to remember that the person I want to be is equal parts the person I wish to become and also the person I am right now.

Today is the only day we have. Tomorrow never comes. So whatever it is you want for your life…step out and seize this day. Today. Quit making excuses for what could be and start making it happen. Right now. In 2014.


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What are your resolutions? Jump into the comments and shout them, loud and proud!