On Choosing a Seahorse

Many people don’t realize that there are over 40 different species of seahorses, ranging in size from half an inch to almost a foot in length. I keep Hippocampus erectus, the lined seahorse, which averages 6-8 inches in length at maturity and tends to be one of the hardier (read: easier to keep) seahorse species. H. erectus can also be bred entirely in captivity, meaning my seahorses don’t reduce or threaten wild populations in any way.

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Spotlight on Kirin

I’m returning to the old blogging schedule, which means that Tuesday is…tank day. And I’m kicking it off with a spotlight post about each of the seahorses. First up…Kirin. Ironically, Kirin arrived as one of the weakest of my current seahorse crew. She had with a wonky tail (most likely pinched in shipping from the breeder) and had to be hospitalized (in a separate hospital tank I keep for this purpose) almost immediately upon arrival. She was also the seahorse with the most cirri–the little projections that rise from the seahorse’s spine and crest–and the only one of the group to keep them into adulthood. In the

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