
I got home from work yesterday evening around 5:00 and went to my room to change clothes. I had barely finished when Tesla yelled, “MOM, there are turkeys in the front yard!”

I wasn’t sure I heard him right. “The feathered kind?”

“YES. Come quick.”

Sure enough, a pair of very large turkeys was strolling across the yard. By the time I grabbed my iPad and reached the door, the feathered visitors had crossed the driveway and started hunting for food in the neighbors’ lawn.

I walked over (very slowly) and started filming. Turns out, wild Sacramento turkeys are not afraid of people – or iPads.

I will point out, as an aside, that I do not live in the country, or anywhere near the woods. I live in a suburb outside Sacramento – and though California’s capitol city does boast an unusually large number of turkeys per capita, this isn’t usually the kind I’m talking about.

The turkeys wandered around for a while, evaded Tesla’s efforts to herd them back to our yard for a photo-op, and eventually left the cul-de-sac.

Given the proximity of the local Starbucks, I’m guessing they went for lattes.

4 thoughts on “Suddenly…TURKEYS

  • February 29, 2012 at 11:35 am

    OMG…I’m not sure I can ever come to your house again…

    • February 29, 2012 at 12:32 pm

      It did occur to me, when I posted this, that it might not be your favorite entry ever. You have to admit, though…this is NOT what one would expect to see in my neighborhood.

  • March 1, 2012 at 9:27 pm

    Love It! This is just want I need in November. Turkeys that taste like lattes. I can have dinner and coffee at the same time

    • March 1, 2012 at 10:22 pm

      Sounds good to me too!

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