My Debutante Debut!

As most of you already know, I was chosen to join The Debutante Ball as part of the blogging Class of 2013.

The Debutante Ball is a group blog featuring five debut authors, who blog together for the year in which their releases occur. Each blogger has a specific day, and the topic changes weekly.

I’m the Thursday deb, and since this is our opening dance (so to speak) the topic is “where we write.” My post is live at the Ball today, complete with photos of my writing spaces – both at home (with obligatory cat-on-the-keyboard goodness) and at the office. Those of you who’ve wondered what a publishing attorney’s office looks like … wonder no more. Just click the link, head to the Ball and find out.

I’ll still be blogging here each Thursday as well as at the Ball, but since this is my official debut – you’ll have to go there to see me in person today!

And, while we’re at it – my fellow debutantes: Kerry, Dana, Kelly and Amy are hugely talented writers and fantastic, fun and funny people, so I highly recommend making The Debutante Ball a daily stop on your Internet-reading list!

2 thoughts on “My Debutante Debut!

  • September 6, 2012 at 1:03 pm

    Congrats again on your debut at the Ball. You’re going to be a great Deb! 🙂

  • September 6, 2012 at 3:24 pm

    Thanks Linda!! I really appreciate the support! You and the class of 2012 left us some very sparkly shoes to fill, but we will do our best!

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