I hope all of you in the Denver area will join me one week from tonight at the Tattered Cover Bookstore on Colfax for a reading and signing of CLAWS OF THE CAT!
More details:
Denver, CO: Monday, September 16, 2013: 7:30 PM
Reading & Signing: Tattered Cover Bookstore
2526 East Colfax Avenue
Denver, CO 80206
Map Link
Although I don’t live in Denver, I love the city itself and the supportive writing community that flourishes in and around it. Many (if not most!) of my writing friends live in and around Denver, and I look forward to my annual trips to the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers’ Colorado Gold Conference literally from the moment I get on the plane to leave the last one.
Colorado Gold offers fabulous classes, wonderful camaraderie, and a top-notch selection of agents and editors for aspiring authors to pitch. The classes range from beginning craft to expert-level workshops for published authors, and the friends I’ve made at Colorado Gold are some of the best and closest I have anywhere.
If you’re looking for a great conference to close out the 2013 season, Colorado Gold is a fabulous option – and there’s still time to register at RMFW.ORG!
I’m teaching a workshop on forensics in historical fiction and also co-teaching one on the care and feeding of online critique groups with my friend and writing buddy Heather Webb. It’s going to be a fantastic conference, and I can hardly wait to get on the plane and head to Denver!
Remember: there’s still time to join me! I’d love to see you there!