It’s 9:35 here in California, which means just under 7.5 hours until the October 2010 Dewey’s Read-a-Thon kickoff.
My son (whose tentative blog name is now The Mad Scientist) and I will be participating, starting at 5am PST. I’m kicking off with In the President’s Secret Service, Behind the Scenes with Agents in the Line of Fire and the Presidents They Protect, by Ronald Kessler (Three Rivers Press, 2010).
Assuming that goes well, I’ll move on to fiction around 10:30 or 11. I’m planning updates throughout the day, but they’ll all go on the same (increasingly massive) post so people don’t have to hunt them down.
No idea what the Mad Scientist is starting with. I’ll let you know.
I’m psyched that my son wanted to do this with me. He actually went to bed an hour ago – of his own accord. It takes a lot to get a 15 year old into bed at 8:45 pm on a Friday. That bodes well for his participation.
And now I’m off to ensure mine. I’ll be back shortly before 5am, hopefully with coffee brewed and books ready to read.